As the world around us continues to shift and evolve, division seems to echo in every conversation. At times like these It's essential to pause, and evaluate if we’re really understanding what is being said, or just hearing, and waiting for our turn to speak?

Someone wrote that“Man's greatest folly is in not understanding the other side.” This rings truer now more than ever. In times of division, the call is for connection and comprehension, When we genuinely strive to understand one another, everything is possible.

We may discover that we’re articulating similar sentiments using different languages. For example, two people are trying to describe the same mountain—each from different vantage points. One from the top and one from the ground. The mountain is the mountain, that does not change.

It has been said, “Man's greatest folly is in not understanding the other side.” This rings true now more than ever. In times of division, the clarion call is for connection—to try and cultivate unity, for unity is strength. When we genuinely strive to understand one another, we can plant the seeds necessary for real change.

We are the architects of the world we inhabit, with the power to blueprint the future we desire. The challenge lies in truly hearing each other. In the grand tapestry of humanity, words serve as threads that weave meaning into our experiences. As Alan Moore wrote “Words offer a means to meaning, and for those who listen, the annunciation of truth.”

Let’s embark on this journey together. Let’s lean in and listen, not just with our ears, but with our hearts. Because when we truly hear each other, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when we can start to change the narrative, and ultimately, change the world.